Welcome to The Age We Live in Now
A tech and creative newsletter with a focus on London for non-tech people and which hopefully is informative but above all fun.
Hello there,
Hope this post finds you well, but no worries if not.
What with inflation, the rise of AI, climate change, a new war breaking out every year and just keeping yourself alive you’re already doing a lot.
If on top of that you also worry about where we’re headed as a society, fear automation is the future, and sometimes just wish you could run for the woods with your favourite books and music The Age We Live in Now is your newsletter.
I am a non-tech person myself and my dream job would be to become a writer (I still think I can make it) and live an analogue life. I have no idea how I have ended up tangled up working with international creative tech companies or having conversations about generative AI, virtual reality, augmented reality and spatial computing and of course the metaverse, sorry, virtual worlds now, as if I understood anything about any of them.
So with that in mind, I write these weekly notes for non-tech people who like myself want to understand how our world is rapidly changing as a result of new technologies and what are the ethical implications we should keep in mind so we can leverage them for good.
So what’s the plan for The Age We Live in Now?
Glad you ask.
I will send out a weekly newsletter covering tech and creative industries news highlights with a focus on stories relevant to the London and or wider UK ecosystem.
The Age We Live in Now is the next iteration of my London Creative and Tech News LinkedIn publication, which in fact was the curated public version of another newsletter I wrote for over three years for colleagues. In a few months, the LinkedIn newsletter became quite popular with a growing number of subscribers.
It was perhaps about time this content found a more creative and inclusive home. Am I or am I not after all working in close contact with creative industries companies?
Since this is a new platform, I may allow myself to be a bit more playful now that I’m free of the straitjacket that LinkedIn was for content creation. Besides, I’m a strong believer that humour helps us retain information better and my inspiration for my blind faith in this is David Castello-Lopes, despite lacking his talent, wit, skillset and resources.
To renew or to die, as we say in Spanish.
If you’re new here, thanks for joining and hope you enjoy the ride.
Be warned - this is not your usual newsletter, but I always try my best to create pieces that live by the Latin saying “doce, delectare, movere”. Google it.
Happy reading!